Monday, October 13, 2008


As winter is coming, I am getting very excited to bring my son out sledding and just to explore the winter season. The first snow we had, there were a lot of kids sledding above my house in happy faces. I told my husband, “In a couple years Hunter is going to be one of them.” I can’t believe that I was once one of those kids out sledding, very excited for the snow and everything else winter brings. It only took an hour or two for the kids to head for home because the snow was now gone. It melted where they were sledding, but they were also sledding in the mud. I never thought about getting it on camera or video as well. I think I would have had a great video for the class to see. But I may have another chance because it is starting to snow again and school is soon to be over.


skipvia said...

I grew up in North Carolina, and we had snow only once or twice a year. When it snowed, school was canceled and we all bundled up and went sledding until the last remnant of snow melted. When we moved to Alaska and had children, I wondered whether or not they would be as excited about sledding as I was when I was growing up, since we have snow half of the year. As it turned out, both of my children grabbed their sleds at the first sign of snow and would sled all season long. I guess it's in our DNA...

Alice said...

When I was little we had one sled but the snow in northern Idaho would get so deep that we used to sled on flattened cardboard boxes. They stayed on the top of the snow better. We also used the inner tubes from floating down the river in the summer.
My husband grew up in San Diego and only went to the mountains one day in 18 years. They bought a really big wooden toboggan and never got to use it again. We used it lots while our kids were growing up and gave it away to a family this summer so it can be used some more!